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Studio Recording and Production


In addition to being a composer and performer I am a seasoned studio recording artist with nearly 33 years of experience, specializing in contributing my cello artistry in peoples projects as well as mixing and mastering.


With a highly refined ear for detail and a deep understanding and background in composition, extensive training and years in the industry as a cellist and performer, I can ensures that every project I collaborate on, reaches its fullest potential. My cello work covers a wide range of genres, from classical and film scores to contemporary, folk and experimental music and has been featured in films and on Netflix. I bring musical and creative sensibility, clarity, depth, and balance to every recording I work on.

I use state-of-the-art tools, combined with my years of experience as a professional cellist. I play on a 120 year old Boston built well aged cello. Whether refining a mix to perfection or delivering a soul-stirring cello performance, I can help up-level your project with unparalleled sonic beauty, creativity and masterful cello playing. 

Terence O. Loughlin, Boston, 1904

CrystalineShaun Diaz - Cinematic
00:00 / 03:17
The Wind Calls You HomeSara - Nectar Moth - Contemporary Folk
00:00 / 05:54
HaloAlex Woodfolk - Contemporary Folk
00:00 / 03:51
Surgery - Dead Sea on NetflixGad Zietune - Cinematic
00:00 / 04:07
  • PC Audio Labs DAW

  • Adam Audio Studio Monitors and Subwoofer

  • Royer R121 Ribbon Microphone

  • Grace 101 Preamp

  • Scarlet 4 channel Audio Interface

  • All Mogami Connections

  • Waves Mastering Plugins 

  • Stienberg Cubase 

  • 4TB of Sample Content

  • Boston-crafted aged cello, 120 years.




Mixing/Mastering:​ $60/hour


Cello Recording:​ $120/hour 


Cello Recording/Composing: $150/hour


Contact for specifics and details regarding your project

and needs. 

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